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中秋节ppt模板 篇1

Time flies like an arrow, and soon it comes to the annual Mid-Autumn festival. Every year on this day, every household should sing and dance. This year we are no exception. This afternoon, we went to grandmas home three, then it was already evening, so we eat the family reunion dinner ready to top, and there are lucrative prizes. , We started to get the top pick, and we brought a red and red porcelain bowl for six dice. He started to get the top pick. First is the grandmother, grandmother seemed to have a good luck today, all of a sudden is a quaternary, see dad stopping on the dog, a see will know that bad luck, there is not even a scholar. Im ok, there are three red, one for don... We went to the roof of the house for the first time. My father cut a moon cake to grandpa and grandma first, and then the moon rose slowly from the treetop, looking so noble and elegant. She is covered with silver yarn, with lightsome pace, step by step toward the sky, her soul, gorgeous and elegant, gold in her white, white like a woof mercury, gold like a pearl, the bright is dazzing, she will be soft moonlight sprinkled on the earth, the moon like water!


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