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关于中秋节的英语作文 篇1

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar.

As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time we enjoy the full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories.

In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.




关于中秋节的英语作文 篇2

Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional fstival in China. Almost vryon liks to at mooncaks on that day. Most familis hav a dinnr togthr to clbrat th fstival. A saying gos, "th moon in your homtown is almost always th brightst and roundst". Many popl who liv far away from homs want to go back to hav a family runion. How happy it is to njoy th moon caks whil watching th full moon with your family mmbrs.

关于中秋节的英语作文 篇3

The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival.It falls on the 15th day of August.A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful.Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.On the evening there will be a big family dinner.

People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union.After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round.Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.At night the moon is usually round and bright.People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival.They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together.It is said that there was a dragon in the sky.The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon.To protect the frighten the dragon away.I think Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in Chi-na.Everybody likes it because its a family get-together.You see> it is called“Mid-Autumn Day”, so it often comes in September or October.It is on the 15th of the 8th of the lunar month.Now, lets say something about this interesting festival.





关于中秋节的英语作文 篇4

Mid-autumn day is a special festival in China, which is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. Itfalls on the 15th day of august lunar month every year. Our Chinese will celebrate it on that day. I think there are not too many people can reject he temptation of it. I like this festival very much. I have two reasons.

First of all, mid-autumn has the deep meaning of reunite. In china, people regard mid-autumn day as very important, so no matter where they are, they will come back to their family if there is a chance. They dont like celebrate this festival outside, which will make them feel lonely. Thus, they will go home by all means. Luckily, the government also pays great attention to this traditional festival. There are laws to make sure people have holidays in that special day. In the other word, mid-autumn festival gives a chance for family get together.

Secondly, every family will prepare a big meal in that day. All the food is delicious. It is good to have a big meal. I think nobody will not interest in delicious food. The mooncake is a necessary decoration for mid-autumn day. It tastes good, too. It is the traditional for a long time. How pleased to enjoy the glorious full moon with mooncake!

This is why I love mid-autumn festival so much. It is funny and happy time.

中秋节在中国是一个特别的节日,是中国的传统节日。中秋节是每年农历的八月十五号。我们中国人会庆祝那一天。我觉得没有多少人可以拒绝它的诱惑。我很喜爱这个节日。我有两个理由。(检讨书大全 Jt56w.coM)




关于中秋节的英语作文 篇5

Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. It originated during the Tang Dynasty, when the focus was on appreciating the moon. During the Qingming period, it became a "folk festival".

The Mid-Autumn Festival is second only to the Spring Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time of "good flowers and full moon". People think of human reunion from the moon in the sky. Therefore, the Mid-Autumn Festival was called the "Reunion Festival" in ancient times. People yearn for reunion and reunion. Reunion is an ideal in life for Chinese people. I wish everyone a long life and a thousand miles of shared beauty "embodies peoples beautiful wishes. Mid-Autumn Festival attaches great importance to the cultivation and expression of kinship, which plays an irreplaceable role in promoting social harmony.

I like Mid-Autumn Festival very much. Whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, our family will enjoy the moon, eat moon cakes and watch the Mid Autumn Party together. This years Mid-Autumn Festival, our family got together, and we were very happy. Although the moon on that day was not as bright as the Mid-Autumn Festival in previous years. However, its also quite beautiful. The moon sometimes looks like a shy and beautiful girl. After Brother Feng praised her a few words, she hid behind the clouds and covered herself with a thin veil, appearing even more delicate and charming. Sometimes, like a mischievous child, showing his face to peek at us during the holiday! I looked at it and couldnt help but laugh and laugh. Dad heard it and asked, "What are you laughing at?" I deliberately said mysteriously, "The secret

How about, after listening to my introduction, do you understand Mid-Autumn Festival?





关于中秋节的英语作文 篇6

My favorite holiday is Mid-autumn Day.Do you know why? Firstly,it’s day for family gathering.On Mid-autumn Day,families will stay together and eat a big dinner.My families always make very delicious food.

After dinner,families will enjoy the beautiful full moon.We often have a good talk and eat moon cakes and fruits.For me,I like moon cakes very much.They are so tasty.Besides,the Mid-autumn Day is in autumn.It’s my favorite season.



关于中秋节的英语作文 篇7

Mid-Autumn Day is Chinese traditional festival, I am so happy to have this day with my family; My whole family will stay together this night to celebrate it, enjoy the full moon and eat mooncakes.About the mooncake,My mother and I like mooncakes with egg yolk. At last I wish every family a happy day on this day.


关于中秋节的英语作文 篇8

In China,Mid-autumn Day is considered to be a symbol of family reunion.On this day,all the family members gather together at home to celebrate this special occasion.Last year,I could not celebrate the festival with my family because I was in university.However,this special day left a deep impression on me.

I still remember the atmosphere of that evening.All the students who could not go back home assembled in our classroom,having a party to celebrate this traditional festival.

We tried our best to show our own enthusiasm.As an ethnic minority,I performed a peacock dance,which received warm applause.After the two-hour party,we went out to the playground and sat together to appreciate the moon because it is a tradition on Mid-autumn Day.We ate moon cakes,played cards,and listened to romantic poems recited by one of our classmates.In that harmonious atmosphere,nobody felt lonely or homesick even though we were far away from our homes.Thanks to our classmates,I experienced such a colorful and interesting Mid-autumn Day at my university.Thus,I learned to value all the festivals I spent during my university life.





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