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高中英语优秀教案模板范文 篇1

Spring is a season for revival. Every spring the wild goose will fly back to the south from the north, the grass grow new seedlings, peach and cherry trees grow the bud, opening with pink flowers.

Abask sunlight in the face of the earth, make people intoxicated. The sun like a warm spring furnaces, as on the green earth, the golden light. The white clouds in the spring is exceptionally beautiful, like a pentium pony, like the rolling waves, and as the voice of white face. The spring wind like a kindly mother, Buddha with you on the cheek, make you feel fortable carefree and happy.

Spring breeze blowing through the earth, the earth turn green; The spring breeze blowing trees, leaves gently shake, the wind as if to tell jokes, tree smile curved waist; The window clapped ring, like in the happy clap your hands; Look, leaves brush to fly, the wind is the eldest brother with wire rope skipping had more time!

The campus is rich and colorful of spring. Beautiful winter jasmine is wele us! Boulevard, tree-lined, paths on both sides of flowers numerous and leafy. Cherry blossom everywhere in the campus, far see like to spread a thick layer of white snow, campus nearly look let a person feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes fluttering. Money chrysanthemum inlaid around the lawn, dotting the green lawn is particularly bright beautiful; Grass green, central a few bunch of beautiful flowers to decorate his lawn more charming, more beautiful. New shoots grow from peach, peach blossom in bud. Willow pond light fo the embankment, the sun sparkling on the river in between. The willows reflected in the water, like a beautiful landscape painting.

I looked at the beauty of spring, can not help hearts vibrated: our country is like spring, everywhere is full of vigor and vitality, as full.






高中英语优秀教案模板范文 篇2


In October, my main research work is to stimulate students interest in autonomous learning by means of multi-interactive classroom evaluation, so that students can learn English, speak English and use English independently in class, and use classroom evaluation terms and new sentence patterns learned in this class to evaluate students own classroom performance and classroom behavior, so as to promote students interest and effect in learning.


The goal of autonomous learning is defined as:


Speak autonomously in class. Review independently after class. I didnt give the students a preview task in advance. Because I dont want to add pressure and burden to students, and students dont have preview tools. Instead, I will take a class to familiarize the students with my teaching routines. Through this class, I will let the students know which teaching links can be played independently, where they can be small teachers, and where they can get small red flags. That is to say, through a class, students can know the direction of their efforts and feel a sense of accomplishment, so that they can preview spontaneously, which is much better than the teachers forced preview.


This method has achieved good results. The most obvious is the fourth grade. It turns out that the students in this class are not interested in learning and the teaching effect is poor. Sometimes it takes a class to teach several words, and some of them remember the meaning but cant remember the pronunciation. Since becoming a primary school teacher, students have felt the joy of learning and a sense of accomplishment. Students welcome their own learning style, and the classroom atmosphere has been revived. Students can teach one word by themselves at first, and gradually most of the words are taught by small teachers. I dont teach until students cant teach. Almost all the sentences in the text dont need my translation, and students can translate by themselves through independent preview and group cooperation. Therefore, I teach very easily and the students learn very happily. There is a student named Xiaoyun whose change is the most obvious. At first, the student was not interested in English class. She either made small moves or deserted in class. Since she tasted the sweetness of a little teacher, she has become a serious teacher and is scrambling to be a little teacher. Sometimes she can teach several words in one class. I think behind this little teacher, there must be diligent and independent preparation. I think this is due to the change of teaching methods, the shift of learning focus, and the students dominant position can be fully reflected. English classroom has become a happy base camp, and teaching and learning have become a relaxed thing.

高中英语优秀教案模板范文 篇3


Recently, when I was in the sixth grade class, I always felt that the students emotions were not well mobilized, and I was also confused. So I consulted some books on pedagogy theory. From the perspective of educational psychology, one of the biggest factors affecting the learning effect in the learning process is the emotional control of learners.


Among the factors of success in English learning, besides intelligence, it is more important that those non-intelligence factors play a role. It has serious defects in learning motivation, interest, emotion, will and behavior habits. This shows the important role of motivation and attitude in English learning from one side.


Should English teachers focus on teaching content, syllabus and examination form, or should they shift their teaching focus to the cultivation and control of students personality, interests and emotions? Facts have proved that people who think they are "democratic, open, calm, friendly, considerate, helpful, intelligent, logical and happy" are generally more likely to succeed in learning English than those who are contrary to or greatly different from the above personality.


In addition, in the process of foreign language learning, due to the influence of external factors, learners will be anxious, depressed and fidgety. As the organizer of teaching activities, English teachers should pay attention to the cultivation and control of foreign language learners emotional factors. Especially in primary school, English teachers should cultivate a sense of closeness to students. So I decided to fully respect students, pay attention to motivating students and pay attention to students learning process in the near future.


In the process of teaching, we still focus on observing students psychological feelings in class, making students love English classes, and taking teaching forms and students as the focus of preparing lessons. Try to make the teaching forms diverse and vivid, stimulate the individuals desire to participate, and the classroom atmosphere should be as relaxed and pleasant as possible, emphasizing the individual and the foundation, so that every student can master the key words firmly first.


The above is my reflection after being confused.

高中英语优秀教案模板范文 篇4

Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.

The content of my lesson is《 foreign language teaching and research press》Book , .let me talk about this lessson as the following:

一、 教材分析:

Analysis of the Teaching material


Teaching alms and demands:


Teaching keys and difficulties:


Teaching methods:


Teaching aids:


Teaching procedures:


Blackboard Design.






4、讨论法:通过Pair work.Group work.让学生都得到一次口语训练的机会,教师应设计一些适当的话题。


高中英语优秀教案模板范文 篇5


本单元围绕“野生动物保护”这一中心话题进行听说读写的训练,其中阅读部分“How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife” 描述了一个名叫Daisy 的女孩以特殊的方式从濒危动物那里学到了野生动物保护的知识。Daisy 的学习方式,方法和过程非常奇幻,她乘着飞毯周游世界,首先来到了,同藏羚羊的对话中了解到了濒危野生动物的现状和原因。然后飞到了津巴布韦通过大象的介绍,明白了动物保护的重要性和措施,最后来到了热带雨林,从猴子口中懂得了保护野生动物还应该关注他们生活的环境,了解他们的习性。最后Daisy 在奇幻之旅结束时提高了保护野生动物的意识,表达了她的感受和决心。文章立意新颖,近似于童话,活泼有趣,行文结构清晰,层次分明。


学生阅读的过程就是随着Daisy学习动物保护的过程。学生是以听说读写的方式从课本,网络等课程资源中获取关于动物保护的信息。基于课文的形式和内容特点,我挖掘出了课文内容与学习方式的结合点,学习内容与实际应用的共性,因此采取了任务型教学的模式,制定出班级总任务是制作以保护各种濒危野生动物为主题的,题为 “Let’s Help Wild Life”的英文网站。这个网站是由若干网页组成,网页内容是以一种濒危动物的保护为主题,因此把全班以四人为一组分成若干组,小组任务是制作这张网页。

要完成任务,学生必须确定濒危动物是什么,内容和语言,以及设计制作,具体步骤是课前分组查找濒危动物有哪些,自主选择他们最关注的一种动物,课上学习与主题相关的内容,进行语言聚集,课后收集,整理,合成信息,完成网页的制作,这样,从课前准备到课中学习到课后延展,达成了知识的系统性,提高了学生用英语解决实际问题,综合运用语言的能力, 提高了自主学习的意识和能力。


所授课学生为我校高一学生,经过第一模块的学习,学生了解并学会了运用以小组合作的方式进行合作学习,学生具备基本的阅读能力,阅读技巧和方法。但尚未掌握有效的方法克服阅读中的生词障碍。濒危野生动物保护是学生熟悉和关心的话题,但用以表达话题的语言积累不足。此外,虽然学生的学习资源丰富,但未能恰当的利用资源进行语言学习。因此设计好学习任务,方法和步骤是提高阅读能力,进一步巩固和加强英 语学习策略的关键。



1.学生通过回答问题,填写图表,连线,等方式获取并理解有关Daisy 如何学到的关于野生动物保护知识的信息。

2. 能够运用所获取的信息简单描述关于濒危动物,藏羚羊的保护情况。



1. 通过获取野生动物保护知识,提高保护野生动物的意识。

2. 通过小组合作,学生提升了合作意识;学生增强了自信,维持并提高了对英语学习的兴趣。


获取并理解关于Daisy 学到关于濒危动物保护的知识的相关信息,并迁移运用到谈论关于对藏羚羊的保护。



I. Task presentation:

Class task: Build up a website about wildlife protection, called “ Let’s Help Wildlife”

Team task: Produce a web page about protecting one kind animal that you are concerned about.

II. Names collection:

Collect the names of endangered animals that they decide to protect.

III. Inquiry question:

Show the Ss two questions to think over and ask them to answer by the end of the


Q1. Why should we protect wildlife?

Q2. What do you learn from the text to help wildlife?


IV. Prediction.

1. Ss read the title and predict what the text talks about.

2. Ss compare the title of the text with their task.


While reading--- Fast reading

Ss skim the text and answer the following questions:

Q1. Where did Daisy go?

Q2. How did she go there?

Q3. What animals did she meet?



While reading--- Detailed reading

Para 1.

I. Ss read the first paragraph and answer the following questions.

Q1. What is the situation of antelope in Tibet?

Q2. Why has the antelope become endangered?

Q3. Is there any protection provided?

Possible answers:

Situation: decrease

Reason: be killed for the fur beneath its stomach

no protection


II. Language understanding.

1. Ss understand the sentence by looking at the picture and choosing correct answer. “We’re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you.

Q: Which part of an antelope is used to make wool sweater?


2. Ss paraphrase the word “respond” andtalk about the method of guessing the new word.

“ Where do you…?”it asked. Daisy responded immediately. “I’d like to…”

Method: 利用动作的顺承关系


III. Ss get to know more reasons why wildlife can be endangered.

1. Ss brainstorm the reasons
