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高中英语必修3unit2全教案 篇1


1. To practise listening comprehension.

2.To practise making decisions and reasoning


1. To practise listening comprehension.

2.To practise making decisions and reasoning




Step1. revision

1. check the homework exercises.

1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education.

It has been reported that free education will be offered to children.

2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book.

It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us.

3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week.

I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week.

2. Question: What can computers be used as?

Step2. Lead-in

As we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it mean? Does information technology/ IT only mean things like computers? Of cause not. Actually, it means more than computers. Computers are just one kind of IT. What else do you know is part of IT?

(TV, radio, CD-ROM, DVD, books……)

Step3. Listening (SB)

1. Pre-listening: What are the changes brought by different forms of IT ?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of them ?

2. While-listening:

Go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the text.) Then Listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (If necessary, play the tape for several times.)

Say: After listening to their talk, we know all kinds of IT have both disadvantages and advantages.Let’s check the answers together.

Type of IT Advantages Disadvantages

TV You can both listen and watch. You cannot write to friends.

Web You can find information. It is very expensive.

Radio You can listen to English. You cannot watch a film.

Book You can get information. Sometimes it is out of date.

3. Post-listening:

1) (pair work): decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now. Make your choice and give your reasons by using the following expressions.

I think that….

In my opinion, ….

I believe that….

I agree because….

I disagree because….

I’ve decided that….

2) (group work): Discussion :

Computers are useful and have brought us lots of good things, but they also cause bad effects. What attitude should we have towards the computer? (Make good use of it but never get trapped by it.)

Step4. Speaking

1. Pre-speaking

Say: From what we have learn, we should admit that computers and the web have a great influence on the school education as well as people’s life. It has come into people’s everyday life and many families hold computers in their homes. Now there is a task for you.

2. While-speaking

1) Situation: You have been asked by your parents to help choose computers for your home. You and your friend have looked at several computers. Talk about the special things each computer can do. Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.

Information input: Show students some pictures of different computers (desktop computer & laptop computer & …)

Language input: Useful expressions (Repeat it to strengthen students’ ability of use it.)

Supporting an opinion Challenging an opinion

I think that … , because … Perhaps, but what if / about …

First, … Have you thought about …

One reason is that … What makes you think that

I think it is better because… I don’t like it because….

(Pair work )Use the expressions to support your opinion or challenging other’s opinions.

2) Oral report: (individual work )

Do an oral report to your father and start your report like this: I looked at many different computers. The one I have chosen is the PEP personal computer. One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for homes. I found that…

3. Post-speaking

Conclusion—What useful expression do we use to make a decision and reason?

(In this way, they can review and use the words and phrases again.)

Step6 Pre-writing

Say: Imagine what problems and delights this android might have to deal with while it is serving you. Try yourself in someone else’s shoes is an important way of understanding how other people feel.

Then discuss: You are an android. You work for a family with one child who is very spoiled. The parents want you to do everything for them. The parents are nice, but they often ask you to watch over their child. How do you feel? What would you do if the child asked you to do his/her homework for him/her? Would you ever tell the child “no”?

Step7 Writing

Say: Write a passage about the result of your discussion! It should contain:

What do you have to do?

What is the child like?

What is the parents’ requirement of the child?

What do the parents want you to do?

What does the child want you to do?

Then what will you do? How do you feel?

Sample writing:

Hello everybody, my name is Liu Yan.I am a 321 model android.I work for the Li family. Mr and Mrs Li work very hard too.Mr Li is an architect and designs great tall apartment blocks.Mrs Li is a doctor and has to look after many patients.I remember all the plans for Mr Li's projects and can tell Mrs Li which drugs are the best to give any particular patient. And I also look after their library. I store all the books that they borrow from their school or friends in my brain.Of course my brain is as large as a mountain, so work like that is no trouble to me.I really eat books just like people eat food.

The Lis have a child who is very spoiled. He needs me to remember all his school textbooks so that I can do his homework for him.He just gives me the information on the subject, what has to be done and the page numbers and I get on with it while he enjoys himself with his friends.Sometimes I don't think it is right to do his homework for him — it's somewhat cheating. However, his parents are very concerned at the pressure of work in school these days.The child has too much homework to do. They like him to go to the key school but they also want him to be able to have hobbies, learn to swim and keep fit! Poor child!

So they consider me the most important person in the family after themselves.I am always introduced to their friends and play with visiting children.I am the perfect family academic aid and, although I was not cheap to buy, Mr Li says I was worth every yuan!

Step8 Assessment

Get the students to assess their writing ability according to the following the questions:

1. Is your composition well developed?

2. Are your ideas well organized to the point?

3. Do you have a good choice of words and idioms in your writing?

4. Do you get a good mastery of complex structures of language?

5. What kind of mistakes have you made in your writing?

Step9: Homework

Write about your discussion. You may begin like this:

Hello, everyone. My name is XXX. I’m 321 model android. I work for the Li family….






Unit 3 Computers

高中英语必修3unit2全教案 篇2






(1) Can I ask you for some advice?

(2) What can you suggest?

(3)I suggest you (should) ask. . .

(4) Ive got an idea.

(5)Why not do...?

(6)Why dont you do. . . ?

(7)That is why. . .

(8)I thought that. . .


recently, weigh, measure, lovely, cousin, secret, invite, reply, illness, pattern, actor, junior


ask sb. for advice, be tired of, be fun, make fun of, tell lies, laugh at, used to, keep quiet, worry about, consider doing, because of, a place of interest, reply to





1.本单元的内容非常贴近中学生生活。可就“Friendship”,“Telling Lies”等话题展开讨论,在讨论中学会如何表述心情、如何给予忠告等。


3.在口头操练的同时,注意引导学生使用正确的英语句型结构,如:Why not do…;Why dont you do…等等。必要时做笔头操练。




辨析be tired of , be tired with

短语be tired of 意思为“厌倦或厌烦……”

I’m tired of his complaints.我对他的抱怨很反感。

He was tired of sleeping with the windows open.他讨厌开着窗户睡觉。

be tired with表示“因……而感到疲倦或劳累”

He was tired with such a long walk,走了这么长的路他感到很累。

We were quite tired with so much homework.做了如此多的作业后我们相当疲劳。

辨析lovely/ beautiful/pretty//handsome/good-looking


lovely hair/weather(秀发/好天气)。

beautiful 对人而言,指最能给人带来满足的`最高尚的和精神的美,包括精致、温柔、愉快、可爱诸因素。形容人时,适合女性。

A beautiful girl /face /flower /picture /garden /place /voice /color/dress/weather等。



“good-looking” 特指外表容貌的美,多用于指男性。

辨析used to, be used to doing 与be used to do

used to后接动词原形,表示“过去常常(做某事)”,而现在不再做;

He used to be a worker, but now he becomes the manager of the company.

be used to doing / sth. 表示“习惯于做某事”。

She has been used to living alone in the country.

be used to do为use(使用)的被动语态形式,表示“被用来做”;

The hammer is used to break nail into the wall.

辨析reply 和answer



He answered/replied that he knew nothing about it.



answer sb. that. . . /reply to sb that. . .

3)当后面接名词或代词时,answer是及物动词, reply为不及物动词,是正式用语。如:

answer a question/reply to a question

answer a letter / reply to a letter

answer the door / doorbell / telephone

(不能说reply the door / doorbell / telephone)


the answer / rely / key to the problem. make no answer / reply


1.Well, I’ve recently started biology.我最近刚开始学生物。


He is not at home recently.他最近不在家。

How are you getting along recently?你近来过得还好吧?

2.You don’t need anything special.你不需要什么特别的东西。

用形容词修饰不定代词something, nothing, anything, somebody, anybody等时,这个形容词通常放在这类不定代词的后面。

Did you find anybody strange nearby? 你在附近看到过什么陌生人吗?

Do you have anything more to say? 你(们)还有什么话要说吗?

3.Then grow some tomatoes in one box,….然后在盒子里种上一些西红柿

Then see which plants grow higher.

第一句中的grow是及物动词,作“种植(花或庄稼)”解;第二句中的grow 是不及物动词,作“生长,成长”

The young trees are growing well.这些小树长得很好。(vi.)

We grew a lot of flowers this spring.今年春天我们种了许多花。(vt.)


She is growing healthy.她的身体逐渐变好了。

4.However, I find it hard. 然而我发现交朋友很难。

句中的it 指上句的making new friends(交新朋友)。全句相当于I find it hard to make new friends.由于it作形式宾语的用法还没有出现过,此处暂不宜向学生解释。


I found him very funny.我现他很滑稽可笑。


5.This is secret, so please don’t tell anybody else.这是一个秘密,因此,请别告诉其它任何人。

句中anybody else=any other person(其它任何人) else是形容词,作“别的,其它的”,常用somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing等不定代词连用,并置于不定代词之后。如:

Do you want to see anybody else? 你还想见见别的人吗?

I have bought lots of bread. I’d like to buy something else.我买了许多面包,我还想买点别的东西。

else还可以同what, who, when, where等疑问代词或疑问副词连用。

What else would you like to have? 你还想要点别的什么吗?


1) 过去将来时的基本形式:




I thought I would make lots of new friends.


was/were + going to

I didn’t expect that I were to do the work by myself next week.我不希望下周自己做这个工作。

注意:would+动词原形。would可用于任何人称,这是美国英语的用法。在英国英语中,第一人称用 should,第二、三人称用 would。本教材采用美国英语的用法。此外,过去将来时还可以用“was/were + going to”来表示“原本打算干某事”的意思。另:be to do 不能用于人类不能控制的将发生的事情和动作;be about to do 不能和具体的时间连用。

2) 过去将来时的基本概念:




The teacher told us he would give us a little test. 老师跟我们讲过,他将给我们来一次小测验。

He said he was going to start for Guangzhou next

高中英语必修3unit2全教案 篇3

Teaching ais:

①.T read sectins f a str and sequence then use predictin strategies and lining wrds.

②.T use lining expressins related t tie and sequencing.

③.T use wrdbuilding techniques t fr nuns, verbs, adectives and adverbs.

④.T tal abut and give pinins f fils.

⑤. T practise using the secnd cnditinal fr speculatin

Teaching difficult and ain pints:

T aster the wrdbuilding.

T use the lining wrds.

Teaching aids:


Teaching prcedures:

Ⅰ. War up

T l at a pictures f Titanic then raise a questin: .Have u seen the fil Titanic? Where did the str happen?

Ⅱ. Speaing

Wr in grups f fur t discuss the tw questins: Have u seen an ther fils abut the sea? What did u thin f the? Tell ur classate.

Ⅲ. Pre-reading

L at the e wrds and find the in the pictures.

Ⅳ. Reading

Tas1: Nw please put Part A, B≈C in the crrect rder.

We can put the paragraphs in rder accrding t (根据):

the pictures

the lining wrds (连接词) :上下文相关词语的连接

Tas2: Read the str again and answer these questins.

1. Wh did the writer’s unger brther fall int the sea?

2. Wh did the bat g twards the whirlpl?

3. Wh did the writer tie hiself t a barrel?

4. Wh didn’t his brther d the sae?

5. Wh did his ld friends nt recgnise hi?

Ⅴ. Language pints:

1. It t less than a single da t change hair fr blac t white.(B)

2. …

3. …

Ⅵ. Please find ut the phrases abut tie sequence in the text

Ⅶ. Wrd building

Ⅷ. Speaing

If I were n a bat ging twards a big whirlpl, I wuld tie self t sething light


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